Fixed female sterilization is about 100 percent effective.

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Tubectomy is a Standing system for women to birth control. In operation to be menstruation, abortion after delivery within 7 days. Have a family live two babies, last baby's age 2 years. Woman age below 45 years and must be regular menstruation. There are many advantages for surgery to the Fallopian tubes and easy recovery. 

Fallopian tube ligation is one of the most general processes of female sterilization. Tubal ligation may be performed_ a) Immediately after vaginal delivery, b) In conjunction with a cesarean section or c) as an elective outpatient procedure. 

1. Hemorrhage from the tube and vessels in the mesosalpinx.
2. Pneumoperitoneum due to induction of carbon dioxide.
3. Diathermy burns of the bowel and other structures.
4. Surgical complication- Puncture of large blood vessels.
5. Postoperative complication- Marlener procedure. 
Immediate complication: 
1. Wound infection.
2. Pyrexia
3. Pain in lower abdomen
4. Urinary infection
5. Headache 

Late complication:   
1. Incisional hernia    
2. Menstrual disorder    
3. Menorrhagia/ dysmenorrheal/ intermenstrual bleeding.

Merits of tubectomy:  
1.  It is (99.4 - 99.8) percent effective.   
2. Simple and can be done by all the doctors.   
3.  Accept by the people.   
4. Operation is available and done free of cost in Bangladesh (The woman is also given tk. 2000, Shari and medicine).   
5. Operation can be reversed, but not easy. It requires micro-surgical techniques and results in future pregnancy in only one third of the cases.)

Demerits of tubectomy:   
1.  It is permanent method, usually women becomes permanently infertile.   
2. May be causes psychological problems.   
3. Reversal operation is usually unsuccessful.   
4. May be produced complication.   
5. Require hospitalization for 1 week (for mini-lab operation).   
6. Pain   
7. Bleeding   
8. Hematoma   
9. Depression   
10. Incisional hernia


  • A loop of tube is excise. The cut ends are securing a ligature.
  • It is important to legate the cut ends with 'Plain catgut'

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